Senin, 07 Maret 2016

I’m going out of my comfort zone and all those fears, I think.

I’m going to speak up, be honest about my feeling. I’m won’t keep it to considered people, I choose to let it out to cinsidered me. I’m going to be 22 soon, and I’m still as pathetic as I can remember. Poor me...

Not long enough from now I’ll go to see the real world. Meet people, fight, get under pressure of the world. And if I keep going around like what I did several days ago, I’m probably  ended up nowhere. I know it’s hard to start it now, but late is better than never, right?

I’m living in my world which is full of dreams, but If I choose to stay those dreams are just a dream. I want so damn hard to make it real, so I have to be a little bit annoying to myself. It won’t be easy, but even I never feel life is easier before.

Sometimes I thought, why I should met a jerk like him or her? Why I’m here? But thanks for those jerks out there, I’m becoming stronger because them.

I can’t control my own mood recently. I’m happy so I jump to the 7th sky, then going mad and sad so I’m feeling dumb. My hypothesis is I’m bored, I need to go home and meet my old life. Get secured behind my mom and dad. Yes, that sound terribly right. But if I let my ego win, my beloved ‘laporan magang’ won’t be done, so does my thesis.

Day by day  I’m feeling I get mature but also weak.. I don’t know.

Sitting alone here right now, at the place where I never be here before, I think... Can I finish it right at the time? What if I’m late? What if I’m failed?

I wish I could take a peak to the future.. or maybe not.

Don’t wish me luck, I’m done with those crazy luck things. Just wish me strong enough to handle it...