Lately, I'm busy looking for free time to stalking, looking for inspiration. I hope I'm good enough to deserve more than what I could do. But... life's just getting harder for me. 'Ada rupa, ada harga.' it's totally ture. Busy. Looking for the new inspiration, find it then what? Make an inovation? Looking for another?
Never see the end.
I am greedy. YES! I want to do anything to become eveything. Once life, one chance.
It's just totally bored to be here all the time. Thanks, Our Prophet- Muhammad SAW, for letting us to come to brighter era like now. It's really help. Internet connection. Thank you, you save me from 'this' layo.
No access. No skill. No friend. No partner. No money.
Perfect combination to make me stop dreaming. Best reason to keep stay and never be brave to take a step. But those all doesn't matter, really. That time you know, you may though that life's unfair for you. Yes, that's true! So, catch that fair thing! Make this life fair with your sense, your power.
I am greedy - tumblr |
I think I would always be the greedy. I am a greedy. Just the positive one.
I found hidden power behind all the advice, like 'do not be greedy', 'greed is not good', 'God hates those who are greedy'. Cause by beeing greedy, you'll find what is ambition, your own power to make a chance. Let's be a positive greedy then.
But, remember that life is always have the finish line. Like when you breath, anytime you won't able again. Also when you're on top, remember anytime you can fall. So, to keep your position, always do your good. And don't forget to be a grateful person.
When you're on the top, access, skill, friends, partner, even money will come.
Sure, want be a positive greedy person now? I'm sure I want!